Monday, January 3, 2011

Vacuums and New Year's Resolutions

As we begin the new year of 2011, I am grateful to God for His blessings in my life and thankful for my job here at Central Vacuum Stores. It's a family owned and operated business and I'm part of that family! 

Ok, so I know this is a Sanitaire blog, not a mushy commentary about family but it's a new year and typically for the new year, people do those things they've been putting off. They make themselves lists of things they need to get done.  Are your cleaning needs one of those areas of your life you've been ignoring?  Do you need a new vacuum or need to fix up the old one?  We carry a complete line of Sanitaire vacuums and Sanitaire replacement parts to meet your needs.  We have decades of vacuum experience. In fact, many of our sales representatives have worked for our company so long, you might enjoy talking to one of them just to get ideas.  We know the latest and greatest products out there for getting the job done right and we care about you. We're not some huge company where we've lost sight of the fact that you, our customers, are the reason we have jobs!!! and in this economy, we are all grateful to be working. We at Central Vacuum Stores just want to help you get what you need at a price you can afford. Give us a call at 1-800-221-8227 and let us help you.  If you're looking for specific Sanitaire Parts, Check out our handy Sanitaire Parts Finder to help you get exactly what you need. 

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