Thursday, November 11, 2010

Sanitaire vacuum cleaner bags, belts and parts

When I was a little girl, my mother started working for Central Vacuum Stores. Selling Santaires was a daily part of her life back then and I worked for Central Vacuum Stores as a young teenager, organizing and arranging things inside their retail stores. I can remember how many Sanitaire vacuum boxes came into the store and how many Santaire vacuum cleaners and Santaire parts went out of the store. There was always a steady stream of customers coming in to buy Sanitaire belts, bags, brushes, rollers, and other parts. For decades, commercial customers have depended on Sanitaire commercial vacuums to hold up under the stress of daily use. Then Sanitaire started manufacturing their professional blue line for home use. It's no wonder. If they were so good for commercial use, how can they not be equally wonderful for home use. 
Check out the vacuums we carry or use our Sanitaire Parts Finder to locate the replacement parts you need for your particular model. Now you don't have to go into a store like you did decades ago. You can just shop and purchase Sanitaire vaccums and Sanitaire replacement parts over the internet. We carry a wide assortment of vacuum parts for over 80 different models of Sanitaire. From bags and belts, rollers and brushes, motors and fans, you can be sure we carry it. When you buy from Central Vacuum Stores, you are buying from a family owned business that knows Sanitaire vacuums and has a reputation of excellent service, tried and tested over decades. If you don't find what you need for your Sanitaire vacuum cleaner, give us a call at 800-221-8227. We'll try to help you get what you need. 

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